

Together We Can Help Families in Need Have a Merry Christmas!

 To be a Christmas Family Adoption Foundation recipient, a family in need must be nominated by an approved government or nonprofit social work agency or individual, official caseworkers, or school counselors. Read on to learn about program eligibility and requirements for nominating a family.

Nominations are Currently Closed

 We have reached 800 families this year and have paused new family nominations at this time. We know how important it is to manage expectations for families hoping for assistance, so please help us is spreading the word to get our current families adopted. If we are pacing well on adoptions, we hope to open nominations up again in November.


Who is a Nominating Partner?

A Nominating Partner is an approved government or nonprofit social work agency or individual. Families who receive assistance from a caseworker, agency, or school counselor must request a nomination from that person or agency and cannot nominate themselves.

In addition to registering a family in need, our Nominating Partners must also facilitate contact between the family and their Adopting Angel. Because privacy is of the utmost importance, we count on a Nominating Partner to coordinate communication how they see fit for the family they support.


A Nominating Partner and their organization must be approved by CFAF, and use work email addresses for verification. Legal waivers are signed by both parties in order to participate.

Our organization’s aim is to help families, particularly children, and require at least one child under 18 in each home. While we understand all families look different, we recommend that households with more than 2+ adults limit their adult wishlists and/or focus on household wishlist items instead.

We are currently only able to serve families in the following metropolitan areas:

• Greater Portland-Metro, Oregon
• Salem, Oregon
• Vancouver, Washington

Nomination Requirements

We require all nominations to be submitted online. Nominating more than one family requires complete registration forms for each family.

The “Nominate a Family” registration form includes the Family Wishlist Guidelines. Please assist families in determining reasonable requests. Consider uploading photos during registration. Including family photos increases the likelihood of adoption.

Families may choose to make direct contact with their Adopting Angel or remain anonymous. If a family chooses to remain anonymous, the Nominating Partner must facilitate communication and delivery with the Adopting Angel.


. Register Early

We begin accepting nominations on October 7th, 2024. Please apply early, as we quickly reach our limit (775 families) in the first two weeks. Due to the large volume of requests that we receive, we stop accepting nominations when we hit our maximum number of families.




Initial Contact

Please get in touch with your Adopting Angel as soon as you are notified your family has been adopted. It’s important for you to answer any questions they have, and to confirm whether the Adopting Angel will deliver the donated gifts or if you, as the Nominating Partner, will deliver the gifts. Gifts should be delivered at least 10 days before Christmas.

Final Thoughts

Be available to your Adopting Angel to answer any questions they may have regarding delivery or the Family Wishlist. If, for any reason, the Adopting Angel cannot follow through with their commitment or you cannot get in touch with the Adopting Angel, contact us as soon as possible.

Register to Nominate

Please fill out the form below to nominate a family in need for the Christmas Family Adoption Foundation program.

Nominating Partner Registeration

  • Account Information

  • Strength indicator
  • Agency Information

  • The Nominating Partner's Direct Line
  • Must be email tied to organization, not personal email